These viruses cause sneezing, coughing, conjunctivitis, fever and depression, their severity varies greatly depending on the virus encountered.
Due to a retrovirus (FeLV) of the same family as the virus which causes immunodeficiency in humans (however, it is not transmissible to them). It is a contagious disease through contact with the sexual secretions, saliva or blood of an infected cat. When the disease occurs, the symptoms are diverse and recurrent despite the treatment (viral, bacterial infections, tumors), death occurs sooner or later.
Very contagious viral disease (extreme depression, total anorexia, fever, vomiting and diarrhea). All kittens and one in two adults die within a few days.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis :
Due to the coronavirus the eating behavior is the first modified, then the temperature rises to 39 - 41 ° C, the clinical signs (extremely diverse hence a difficult diagnosis) appear in a few days or a few months. Only the blood test is really reliable.
Diarrhea without fever and without behavior modification is often due to the absence of regular deworming, big food treat, too sudden change of food, stress).
However, persistent diarrhea accompanied by temperature should lead to consult the veterinarian.
Ringworm :
Mycosis very recognizable with round depilations and blackened skin, located especially on the head, ears, legs, before reaching the whole body.
Basic treatment: tablets to swallow and especially regular baths every 3 days with a fungicidal solution.
My environment must also be disinfected very carefully.
La Gale :
This parasitosis caused by mites reaches the top of the head or the inside of the ear.
Vaccines :
at 9 weeks:
The first vaccination takes place at the age of 9 weeks and concerns:
- Coryza which causes affections of the respiratory tract,
- Typhus , a viral illness with diarrhea and vomiting,
- Feline Leucosis which is characterized by a decrease in immune defenses and makes the kitten very vulnerable.
between 12 and 16 weeks :
The second injection of vaccines should be made against Coryza, Typhus and Feline Leucosis.
- Rabies : the first injection of the rabies vaccine should be done at this time, if necessary, depending on your place of residence or travel
Your best bet is to protect your cat from all possible illnesses. Even a cat that never goes out can contract illnesses. He does not live alone, by entering the house, you are carrying pathogens that can infect your companion.
Deworming :
Worms are factors of major digestive disorders, growth retardation and anemia. So remember to deworm your cat every month during the 1st year and then regularly once a year. Change the product to avoid creating resistance and ask your veterinarian for advice.
Fleas :
They cause dermatoses or other allergies. There are effective products available from your vet, even for kittens,
1 treatment per month is a good average, treatment of the environment is also essential.
Namely : the normal temperature is around 38.5 ° C.